It’s very common to experience all sorts of different aches and pains from time to time, but it’s important not to ignore them if they’re happening frequently, as it could be symptomatic of something else. You may also make a problem worse if you don’t get yourself checked out.
Of course, it’s just as important to know where to turn for the appropriate health and advice to help you get back on track physically. There are lots of different healthcare practitioners out there, everything from sports therapists and osteopaths to physiotherapists, chiropractors and so on. How do you know who to see?
One question we often find ourselves asked here at Clear Physio is what the difference is between a sports therapist and a physio.
While both practitioners may be able to help you, depending on what the problem is, the main difference is that physios have more in-depth and wider medical training and knowledge.
They will have trained in sports injuries and musculoskeletal issues, as well as diseases, degenerative conditions, surgery, elderly mobility, neurological issues and so on, whereas sports therapists are typically more focused on one area of expertise.
As such, the best practitioner for you will depend on what’s actually wrong and what your specific complaint is. If you’re very active and an athlete of some kind, a sports therapist is likely to be beneficial if you’re keen to get back to your chosen sport sooner rather than later.
They will focus on musculoskeletal rehab, sport-specific rehab and injury prevention, providing you with strength and conditioning programmes that should see you return to form as quickly as possible.
If you are looking for a sports therapist in Maidenhead right now, get in touch with the Clear Physio team today to see how we can help.